Very American scene
For millenia, artists of all the world strove to capture image of a horse in run. However, because horse's movement is so rapid and dynamic, nobody was able to realistically draw, paint or carve a horse in motion. Leonardo da Vinci was the closest to success and even designed a gigantic statue of a horse but as far as I know, the project has not been implemented until present times. Supposedly, someone in Italy is now trying to recreate the sculpture from the Leonardo's drawings.
Now, of course, thanks to the photography and cinematography, everybody can analyse a horses movement step by step.
The way Anna shows running horses is the most amazing of all. She painted the animals not only realistically in full gallop but from extremely difficult angle. Either, she is a genius or I am crazy or, which is very probable, both are true.
As I look at the picture, I visualize myself as a cowboy, escorting the ponies from my bosses' ranch to the other place in the West. Or from the East, back home. Or I am rounding up wild mustangs . Or maybe I am a Comanche Indian that has just whipped some horses from the allied tribe to step on a war path against my enemies. From the horseback, I admire the beautiful creatures running toward sunset in the desert of Llano Estaccado.
Anna Kulesz lives in the city. I doubt if she has ever got close to a horse. Surely, she has never ridden one. And because of the unfavorable visa policies of the U.S government, she has never been in America to see Arizona or any other Western state. Evidently, she has created this little masterpiece from memory, maybe color magazines and, primarily using her imagination.
She is something else, isn't she?